Game Review: Typing of the Dead

Category: , , By The Bearded One
 We all love killing zombies, and we all have to use a keyboard from day to day, well most of us. So why not combine both of these activities?

Typing of the Dead is a mod that was created from House of the Dead 2 back in 1999. Basically, it’s an educational typing game which is funny as hell.

First, all of the characters have replaced their guns with this sort of backpack / Sega Dreamcast / keyboard harness… thing. This makes me laugh my ass off every time there is a cut scene, which still includes the horrible voice acting from the original game. There everyone is, standing there killing zombies by pointing their keyboards at them lol.

When a zombie pops up, a random word or phrase is generated and you must type to kill said zombie or boss. Sometimes this makes for hilarious word combinations on-screen, I have stopped a few times just to laugh at the words that show up.

Here are a few that made me lol:

  • Sour beer
  • Boner
  • Throbbing
  • Enormous hair
  • Girlie show
  • Jichael Mackson (WTF? LOL)

Challenges also pop up in each area, things like killing ten zombies in X amount of time. These will usually all have the same genre of words showing up for each one, like names of flowers or articles of clothing ect ect…

They also incorporated hidden items, usually in a quick one letter keystroke when the character is moving around. One of them that I got so far was a zombie costume, this made the following cut scene even more ridiculous. There I am, as a zombie, wearing the Dreamcast backpack keyboard combo.

The zombies have had some changes made as well. In the original game, some of the zombies would be wielding knives or axes. In this, they have replaced them with things like toilet plungers and soup ladels.

The Good:
Teaching tool
Ironically enough, it is a pretty decent teaching tool for typing. If you mess up, your character dies, pretty simple.
Also the words and phrases get longer and tougher as the game progresses. The time you get to type them also gets shorter as the game goes on.

Funny as hell
The sheer hilarious aspect of this game is enough to make anyone try this at least once.

There are just so many things in this that will make you lol, you really need to try it. Some of them are as follows:
  • Killing zombies with a keyboard
  • Random hilarious word combinations
  • Hidden items
  • Zombies wielding ridiculous weapons
  • Horrible voice acting
Replay value
Also, the random words generated creates a good enough replay value, you never type the same thing twice from what I have seen. And, let’s face it, we all love killing zombies over and over again.

The Bad:
Some of the teaching aspects of the game fall short when you realize that you do not need to capitalize or use spaces when typing the words or phrases. (good god that rhymed, why?). This really only becomes annoying when you instinctively use spaces or the shift key when typing.

Great game, I personally think it is worth playing around with for a night or two just for shits and giggles.

Again, it’s a decent teaching tool, but if you are teaching a small child how to type, this obviously isn’t for them. Unless I ever have kids, then this is what they are getting :3

Other than that, probably something you would only break out for hilarity when your friends are over for a few hours.

I give it 4 out of 5 ROFLS.

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